Sunday, September 17, 2006

Quick post

I have to post a quick post because I just teased Val for not posting on her blog!

The boys are in the swing of things with school and Mike with football too.
Jamie wakes up at 6:00 every morning ready to go. He LOVES it. He is bummed out on weekends because he can't go to school.
Mike isn't quite that excited but he doesn't mind school. He really likes his Science teacher, Mr. Finnegan. He's "the coolest teacher in the world!
I miss my Kortney Loo like crazy. I wish she were here. It would even be worth wrestling her out of bed every morning!!

Here's some pics of the first day of school.

Note how dark it is in the pic of Jamie! The first day I woke him up and said "good morning" he opened his eyes, said "Mom, it's not morning, it's night time , and closed his eyes!

Also note the Syracuse attire on Mike!


Mrs Pretzel said...

yay! I've been checking everyday... sometimes more than once! LOL Thanks for the post!


Anonymous said...

Alright what did I miss Where's Kort?? The boys are getting so big!!!